MS-DOS Batch Programming

A batch file or batch program is a plain text file that contains one or more MS-DOS commands and is assigned a .BAT extension. When you type the name of the batch program at the command prompt, the commands are carried out as a sequence.
For instance, you can write the following in a batch program:
@echo off
lh mscdex.exe /d:mscd000
smartdrv.exe 4096 2048
if not '%config%==' goto %config%
if '%config%==' goto NOCONFIG
echo You please find out the drive letter of the MS-RAMDRIVE and 
echo then copy necessary files there to work there.
echo MS-RAMDRIVE is swift. Remember to copy the modified 
echo files back.
goto END
echo There is no ramdrive set up. You can work as usual.
goto END
echo There is something wrong with your CONFIG.SYS file or 
echo you bypassed the CONFIG.SYS file, or you are not using 
echo multiple startup.
goto END
To get more knowledge of batch programming techniques, you can refer to the Batch Commands paragraph.
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