COPY Copies one or more files to the location you specify. This command can also be used to combine files. When more than one file is copied, MS-DOS displays each filename as the file is copied. Note: In MS-DOS 6 or higher (including Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000), COPY command prompts you whether a file should be overwritten when there is a file with the same name of the source file in the specified location. You can specify whether it should ask each time by setting the environment variable "COPYCMD". To set verification to true, type "SET COPYCMD=/-Y". To set verification to false, type "SET COPYCMD=/Y". This will also affect XCOPY command. To copy files between different floppy disks if you have only one floppy disk drive, you can do the following. MS-DOS provides two virtual drive letters "A:" and "B:" for the same floppy disk drive, so you can type "COPY A:file1 B:" to copy the file to another floppy disk. MS-DOS will prompt you to change your floppy disk. Do not confuse the disk during the copying. To get more information, please type "copy /?". If you are using Windows 2000 or Windows NT series or MS-DOS, you can type "help copy" for detailed help information.