Is Windows 2000 (or higher) a Multi-user OS?


Is Windows 2000 (or higher) a Multi-user OS?

For several years, I thought this should be true. However, I recently found that: Windows Installer prevented it to be a perfect multi-user OS. Why? I tried working as a limited user on my home computer. However,

1. Almost every time a new program (MSI package) is installed by the administrator (named Supervisor), and run by the limited user (named Fan Decheng), Windows Installer complains that it cannot find the MSI package because in fact the MSI package locates in the temporary directory of the administrator, which the limited user cannot access.

2. Even if the MSI package can be found, it is still impossible for a limited user to install.

3. Even if I run the program as Supervisor, and completes the Windows Installer installation, Windows Installer still complains when I run it as Fan Decheng.

4. I can only temporarily raise the previlege of Fan Decheng to the administrator level, and then solve the problem.

Windows Installer ruined it.


Windows 2000(或更高版本)是一个多用户操作系统吗?

多年来,我以为这是真的。然而,我最近发现:Windows Installer(安装程序)让它不再是一个完美的多用户操作系统。为什么?我试着作为一个受限的用户来使用我家里的电脑。但是,

1. 几乎每次一个新程序(MSI 包)被一个管理员(名为 Supervisor)安装,再被一个受限用户运行(叫 Fan Decheng),Windows Installer 抱怨说它不能找到 MSI 包了,因为实际上那个 MSI 包是在管理员的临时目录中,而此目录是受限用户无法访问的。

2. 就算 MSI 包能被找到,受限用户仍无法安装。

3. 就算我以 Supervisor 为身份来运行这个程序,并完成 Windows Installer 的安装,但当我以 Fan Decheng 的身份运行时,Windows Installer 仍会抱怨。

4. 我只能暂时提高 Fan Decheng 的特权为管理员,然后解决问题。

Windows Installer 搅坏了这一切。


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